Welcome back to a brand new episode of the Taste of Dragons Gaming Podcast. Here’s a Break down of the episode!
We share what we’ve been playing this week. (Tony Hawk, Wasteland 3, Ring Fit, Windbound and more)
We Dive into Game Industry News. (Xbox New Consoles Prices, New Zelda Game Announced, Ubisoft Apologizes, and more
We Ponder, what would Super Mario Odyssey look like if it were a sandwich!
And in our honorary “Dragon of the Week” segment, we talk about Level-5 Games Company. The Makers behind Nino Kuni, Dark Cloud, Rogue Galaxy and so much more
Make sure to catch new episodes every Sunday, and DON’T FORGET, we are starting to branch out into TWITCH. Check us out at twitch.tv/tasteofdragons , drop a follow and hop into games with us throughout the week.
Till next time, Stay Tasty!